It is the nature of the human beings that we don’t know realize the things on their proper time. We usually understand the importance of the things as they passed. With the passage of time, we gain more and more things including our relations and the other things. We built new relations, get new things in our life with time to time. Then at some specific stage we realize that life has so much valuable things that we don’t want to miss. Insurance is one of the essentials part of our life that we don’t even realize. we face many people around us who have the life insurance. We also face many issues in life when we have nothing to cope with them. It is the time when we realize that we should have an extra source to meet any emergency. Many new infants join this world and many of them leave this globe daily. There are many people in this world who don’t have sufficient resources to live a prosper life. Road accidents is one of the certain things in our lives. No one can deny f...